Najzauzetiji vodič u Beogradu

„Iako je napolju bilo hladno, Željko nas je ugrejao svojim neobičnim kazivanjem istorije i rakijom medovačom”, „On je najbolji vodič kojeg sam ikad upoznala“, „Uz Željka sam shvatio da o zanimljivoj eri komunizma mnogo toga još treba da naučim“, „Strastveni zaljubljenik u svoj posao i Srbiju“, „Hvala za sve“. Ovo su samo neki od stotina komentara sa popularnog sajta Tripadvisor, koje su nakon posete Beogradu, turisti ostavili kao preporuku budućim gostima naše prestonice.
„Although it was very cold in Belgrade, Željko warmed us up with his unusual stories about history and with honey rakija”, „He is the best tour guide I have ever met”, „With Željko I realized that I have to learn a lot more about an interesting era called communism”, „The passionate enthusiast about his job and Serbia”, „Thanks for everything”. These are only some of the hundreds of comments on popular Tripadvisor website, which were written by tourists who visited Serbia as a recommendation to all future guests of our capital city.

Turistima se najviše dopadaju ljudi iz Srbije, a zatim hrana i istorija / Tourists are delighted with Serbian people, and then with food and history

Diplomirani geograf Željko Petrović (27) iz Valjeva već tri i po godine vredno radi kao turistički vodič u Beogradu, a njegove ture je do sada posetilo oko 10.000 ljudi iz oko 90 zemalja sa svih kontinenata. U Željkovoj sveščici u koju beleži sve šta je radio stoji da je do sada imao više od 300 besplatnih pešačkih tura agencije Jungle travel (Downtown walking tour), da je priču o podzemnim tajnama Beograda (Underground secrets of Belgrade) ispričao oko 200 puta, da je 100 večeri proveo sa gostima u beogradskim kafanama i klubovima (Pub crawl tour), a nešto manje puta im dočaravao period Josipa Broza Tita i komunističke Jugoslavije (Communist tour) i istoriju i zanimljivosti Zemuna (Zemun tour).

The graduate geographer Željko Petrović (27) from Valjevo has been working very hard as a tour guide in Belgrade for more than three years. More than 10.000 people from 90 countries from all over the world visited his tours. In Željko’s small notebook, in which he makes notes about his tours, it is written that so far he has had more than 300 Free downtown walking tours of Jungle travel agency, that he has told the stories about underground secrets of Belgrade (Underground secrets of Belgrade) more than 200 times, that he has spent 100 nights with his guests in Belgrade’s kafanas and floating clubs (Pub crawl tour). He has also told stories about the period of Josip Broz Tito and the communist Yugoslavia (Communist tour) and the history and interesting facts about Zemun (Zemun tour).

Željko na Beogradskoj tvrđavi / Željko on Belgrade Fortress

Rad, rad i samo rad. To je najvažnije ako želite sa uspete u svakom poslu, pa i u ovom. U proleće 2011. godine, kada sam dobio zvaničnu licencu za turističkog vodiča, počeo sam da radim školske ekskurzije po Srbiji, a krajem iste godine prvi put odveo naše turiste na doček u Budimpeštu. Ubrzo sam, jednu po jednu, u agenciji Jungle travel počeo da radim i ostale ture. Neprestano učim novo gradivo i usavršavam engleski i ne stidim se da kažem da pre četiri godine na seminaru studenata geografije u Rumuniji, praktično nijednu reč nisam znao – priča mi Željko, koji će se, kad ovaj tekst bude objavljen, uveliko spremati za daleko putovanje. Ove godine će po drugi put biti vodič turistima koji su odlučili da Novu godinu dočekaju na Tajlandu, u Kambodži, Vijetnamu i u Maleziji.
– The work, work and only work. That’s the most important thing if you want to succeed in your job. In the spring 2011, when I got the official tour guide license, I started guiding school excursions in Serbia, and at the end of the same year I took our tourists in Budapest for the New Year’s Eve for the first time. Shortly after that, I started guiding other tours in the Jungle Travel agency. I constantly learn and improve my English, and I am not ashamed to say that four years ago on some seminar for geography students in Romania, I knew only a few words in English – says Željko who will be preparing for a faraway journey in the moment of publishing this text. This year for the second time, he will be the guide to tourists who have decided to spend New Year’s holidays in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia.

Ispred Angkor Vata, čuvenog hrama u Kambodži / In front of Angkor Wat, the most famous temple in Cambodia

Po povratku sa drugog kraja sveta, vratiće se ustaljenom, ali uzbudljivom ritmu života i rada. Tri ture dnevno su mu svakodnevica u sezoni, dok mu dve, otkriva mi, sasvim odgovaraju, jer tada stiže i da se vidi sa prijateljima.
– Rođen sam u Srbiji, ovde sam odrastao i velika mi je čast da ljudima približim sve naše kvalitete: bogatu istoriju, dobre ljude, lepu kulturu, gastronomiju i tradiciju. Neretko se dešava da stranci nemaju predstavu šta je zapravo Srbija i da u Beogradu započnu otkrivanje priče o našem bogatstvu. Pošto na moje ture dolaze ljudi koji žele da nauče nešto novo, uvek ih na isti način dočekam i ugostim, bilo da imam jednog ili trideset turista u grupi – objašnjava Željko.
When he returns from the other side of the world, he will have consistent, but very exciting rhythm of life and work again. Three tours per day are usual in the season, while two tours suit him completely, since then he has time for his friends too.
– I was born in Serbia, I also grew up here and it is an honour for me to familiarize people with all qualities of our country: our rich history, kind people, nice culture, gastronomy and tradition. It happens very often that foreigners have no idea what Serbia is like and then in Belgrade they begin to discover stories about our country’s richness. Since my tours are visited by people who want to learn something new, I always welcome them warmly, no matter if I have one or thirty tourists in the group – explains Željko.

U komunističkoj turi obavezna je poseta spomeniku Josipu Brozu Titu / During the Communist tour, a visit to the Josip Broz Tito’s monument is compulsory

Iako mnogo radi i često veoma malo spava, ovom entuzijasti i zaljubljeniku u Srbiju energiju daju nasmejani gosti, njihov aplauz i „hvala“ na kraju obilaska. Simbolično, u znak zahvalnosti ostavljaju mu i poklončiće. Tako je jedna Francuskinja nacrtala njegov portret za uspomenu, od Kanađanina je dobio lizalicu u obliku javorovog lista sa kanadske zastave, od Poljaka čokoladice, a mnogi mu donesu i minijaturno alkoholno piće iz svoje zemlje.
Although he works a lot and sleeps only a few hours, this enthusiast about Serbia is filled with energy given by his smiling guests, their applause, and „thanks” at the end of the tour. Symbolically, they give him small gifts as a sign of gratitude. One French girl drew his portrait during the tour and gave it to him, from a Canadian he got the lollipop in the shape of maple leaf from the Canadian flag, tourist from Poland usually give him chocolates, and many of them bring him small alcoholic drinks from their countries.

Francuska turistkinja nacrtala mu je portret / French tourist drew a portrait of him

– Najlepši poklon su mi lepa reč i komentari na internetu, a mnogi gosti pisali su i tekstove na blogovima. Ljudi me pitaju kako uspevam da u vreme krize radim dosta i da budem zadovoljan. Nema tajne, odgovor je jednostavan – posao treba raditi u kontinuitetu, sa ljubavlju i stalno se usavršavati. Turisti to prepoznaju, ne samo ovde, već svuda u svetu. Uvek imam na umu da je neko svratio na svega nekoliko sati u Srbiju i da ću ja možda biti jedina osoba koju će upoznati, pa mi je stoga važno da mu ugođaj bude prijatan. Za sada planiram da radim u prestonici, a u budućnosti da otkrijem turistima i druge znamenitosti, prvo u mom rodnom Valjevu, a onda širom naše lepe zemlje – rekao mi je Željko.

Sa grupom turista ispred Hrama Svetog Save / With the group of tourists in front of Saint Sava’s Temple

– The most beautiful presents are the nice words and comments on the internet, and many guests have also written texts on their blogs. People often ask me how I succeed in working a lot and being satisfied during the crisis. There is no secret, the answer is simple- you should work continually, with love and you should always strive to be better. The tourists recognize that, not only here, but all over the world. I always bear in mind that someone is in Serbia only for a few hours and perhaps I will be the only person whom he will meet, so it’s very important for me that he has nice time here. For now, my plan is to work in the capital city, and then to discover some other sights to tourists, first in my hometown Valjevo and then all over our beautiful Serbia – Željko told me.

pub crawl1
U noćnom provodu sa gostima sa svih kontinenata / Nightlife with guests from all continents

Tekst: Nenad Blagojević
Prevod: Jelena Petrović
Foto: privatni album, Nenad Blagojević
Text: Nenad Blagojević
Photo: private album, Nenad Blagojević
Translation: Jelena Petrović

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